N.B. :- Beside compulsory subject, a student must take
at least three elective subjects from the respective groups. However one more elective subject may be
taken as fourth from the same group.
N.B. :- Both English & Assamese medium offered as
The academic session begins from 1st April for Class VI
to IX. However for Class X academic session begins from 5 days after the annual examination of class IX
Students must be regular in their attendance, Students
below 85% attendance in classes will be treated as irregular students. Students below 85% will be fined
Rs 2500/- and students below 70% attendance will be fined Rs. 4000/- as disciplinary action. Otherwise
they will not be allowed to appear in the Final Examination. Students who fail to appear in weekly class
tests and other in-house examinations without any valid reason will have to pay a fine as deemed fit by
the authority.